Tuesday 12 July 2016

                            My Best Friend  

    A friend is someone who helps us to solve problems, to share secrets,to play, and to study.I have many friends,  but my best friend is Ananya. She is very kind and polite .She has good manners. She likes to help everyone. She like to study story books .She likes to eat green vegetables. She also like to eat chocolate .She is the monitor of our class. She is liked by all teachers and students.I will never break my friendship with her.

Sunday 10 July 2016


Essay on Tiger

The tiger is our national animal. It is yellow in colour and had black strips. It is a wild animal and it lives in forest in a den. It belongs to cat family and its baby is called a cub. It has a long tail and sharp teeth. It is a flesh eating animal. We should not kill tiger because there are few tigers left in our country. It runs very fast. It kills and eats small animals.



The peacock is the national bird of India. They have colorful feathers, two legs, small beak and long shiny dark blue neck. It also has a crown on his head. When a peacock dances, it spreads its feathers like a fan which looks very beautiful. Peacock can fly only over short distance. Peacock eats up harmful insects and therefore it is a good friend of farmers. Its feathers are used for making purse, jackets, and beautiful decorative items. We should not kill peacock because hunting of peacock is banned in India.